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20% off Site / END - Dec 2 at midnight /“CYBER” at checkout

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Your Maker's favourite week of the year at Bear & Roo, full of surprises!

🎄 ⭐️ 🎄⭐️🎄⭐️🎄⭐️🎄⭐️🎄⭐️🎄⭐️🎄

‼️‼️ FANCY FRIDAY - a day late. - pick 3 colours and leave a note for your colour blocked item ‼️‼️
Pick 3 colours for your colour blocked and leave a note in comments 

We have a deal a day,
from October 12th through to October 19th
Most will be on the site ran as Mystery makes, others will be ran like OAK where you can pick your Print in VIP

Each day will have a limited amount of spots.
So once they sell out, they will be gone!  

🎄Saturday {online 9am mst} - Fill your BR Stocking. Grab a Bear and Roo stocking so I can fill it all week long

🎄Sunday {online 9am mst} - blankets 

🎄Monday {vip 9am mst} - only in vip  grab your bear and roo fav item MITTENS 

🎄Tuesday {online 9am mst} - custom towels  

🎄Wednesday  {online 10am mst} - mystery lounge wear Wednesday 

🎄Thursday  {online 10am mst} - mystery undie bundles and trendy thursday in VIP


All these will ship together by December 1st and only these items!! NO OTHER WEBSITE ITEMS CAN BE COMBINED WITH THESE but you may check out with non stocking items, it’s just separate orders will not. 

You will pay shipping only on your first order - select COMBINE for everything the rest of the week! If all invoices are paid upon receipt, your STOCKING WEEK orders will ship DECEMBER 1st. Once you select tracked shipping on your first order you may select combine with all following invoices at check outs. At end of the week please remember to email me with your order numbers so I can organize and manage orders accordingly.

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