FRENCH TERRY (minimal stretch) STYLED
You have landed on the ideal styles for non stretch French terry fabrics.
Don’t shy away because it says non stretch. These fabrics just don’t have spandex in them but most do have a mechanical stretch (natural)
Check the content of each base before picking your size the odd one does recommend a size up, but this is the case for most.
Most of the French terry in the shop is a Lucious high loop milled out of organic cotton fabric. They have great natural stretch and are perfect for all things cozy.
These styles have been hand select to be here that I as your maker think are the best fit. In each style you will find a gallery of photos of that style. If for any reason you have questions about a fabric or style. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the black message toggle. Shoot me a message so I can help and guide you on your shopping spree.
Once you find the style you must try. Head over to see what solid options and printed luxeoptions are available. These are mixed bases of French terry to check out that content
Makers Pick - pretty much anything that is meant for sweatshirt fabric, a little on the baggier sized and items that don’t require a lot of drape. But I love my hoodies, and joggers. My kiddos love joggers, skinny sweats, cardigans and hoodies as well.
As you look through this collection, if for any reason you don’t see a size guide that you’d like or it is missing photos again please reach out. VIP is also a great place to use as a search platform to see fit and sizing.
Tips to make shopping BR easy :
1. Find a fabric you love , read about the content
2 Check for styles within that fabric collection
3. All recommended styles should already be in drop down but if not grab a custom spot and leave me some notes and I can do the rest.